Monday, February 11, 2008

Recommendation - Coupons

I am not the best about clipping coupons - but I really do try to. I enjoy comparing prices and saving a few cents here and there.
I have found that there are a few places that you can find great coupons if you know about them.

1. SuperTarget has coupons you can print online. Just go to and scroll to the bottom of the page. There is a link for "store specials and coupons"...everything from ground beef to cereal.

2. Walgreens has coupon books that they print each month. If you are prepared to mail in for rebates you can even get a few products for "free"!

3. is a neat website with coupons on a variety of grocery products that you can print and use at your favorite store.

Do you use coupons? Do you have any other favorite places to get coupons or find bargains?

Recommendation - Mothers' Day Out

If you have toddlers or preschoolers - you understand the need for a break now and then. I am so thankful for my Fridays...this is the day of the week my 3 year old attends Victory's Mothers Day Out program and I get a well -deserved break.

There are lots of advantages for him:
1. social interaction
2. introduction to a "school like" schedule
3. positive peer pressure to learn new things
4. nap time
5. play time
6. pride of bringing home crafts that he made and can show off

There are several MDO programs around Tulsa - I'm sure they are all great.

The things I like about Victory's program are:
1. I can choose any day of the week and only 1 day (some of a minimum 2 day per week program)
2. the teachers have been super!
3. great facilities
4. location
5. Christian teaching
6. price

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Recommendation - Other Blogs

Here are a couple of other blogs to check out...

The first is totally dedicated to Branson. If you have any interest in Branson or famous people who should be there - you'll enjoy this blog for sure.

The second - the writer is also quite passionate about Branson but has lots of interesting posts about sewing projects, photography and much more.

Random - Trash or Treasure?

Just about every other week I get a phone call asking me if I have any old clothes, toys, shoes, or small appliances that I can donate....and most times I try to come up with something. I cleaned out my closet at the beginning of the year so I actually had a couple of bags ready to go. Well - I got another call today; this time from "Prevent Blindness". The man on the other end of the phone line (I could tell was an older gentleman) was probably volunteering so I couldn't help but say "yes, I'll find something to set out for the truck to pick up". I am glad that I can contribute to these non-profit organizations and I would suggest that everyone who can - does - as often as possible.
As I hung up the phone I thought - how much do I really have that is disposable? What can I so easily give up that someone else will appreciate? Of course - in the beginning I was focused on material things...and even that made me realize how blessed I am. But then as I sat here a little longer, my thought process turned into something I didn't expect. How often do we treat relationships as disposable? As if we can manage just as easily without friendships that we've invested much time into. There are people out there that just need a friend. I don't think you can have too many. Think twice before you set your relationships on the front porch for someone may regret it later.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Inspiration - Margins

"Margins" - An idea that I know I need to apply to my life. It would be safe to say that I'm a multi-tasker. The past couple of years I almost thrived on the idea I that I could accomplish more things in less time...or at the same time. So with 2008 - I'm starting fresh, slowing down, and trying to create "margins" in my life. Me - the person who even tried to shrink the tangible margins of a brochure or flyer - to fit the most possible information on the page. This is a challenge but one that I feel like will pay off if I can accomplish it.
I caught Joyce Meyers on TV a little over a week ago and her guest was talking about time margins. If you don't have a few minutes between your scheduled out day then it causes stress when everything doesn't play out perfectly....and as we all know...usually there is an extra long red light when you're in a hurry.
Then on Sunday, Pastor Craig was ministering and mentioned the value of having financial margins. I thought "Wow that word again"
How can we truely be cheerful givers if we don't have margins...if all we take in is spent before we even get it?? How can we walk in love as Christians if every minute we have is scheduled...we can't be patient...we won't have time to listen and care for others the way Christ has called us to.
What other places in our lives should we have margins? I will be thinking on these things...until next time...
my recommendation for today is: create some margins in your life.